The Portuguese Housekeeper has wanted to make something for My Girl, well really for the baby, but she is not good at finishing anything - we frequently tease her about her UFO's (unfinished Objects). So we have been racking our brains to suggest things you could make that she would enjoy doing. I have suggested many crochet items, even offered to teach her to knit for her to make something, but no this does not meet with her approval and I have heard her say to Mr Milly that I am trying to turn her into an old lady!! Hmmm....... I'm really not too happy about that and we shall be having words!! LOL :)
Eventually I hit on an idea. This one I really did think would appeal to her. It has been weeks and weeks in the planning, a bit of buying, some googling of various tutorials and now it is done.
I have had to restrain her this week from posting any pictures on Facebook as she was desperate to share. But we knew My Girl would be home this week and she would just have to wait to share. The Portuguese Housekeeper is not good at keeping secrets or surprises and if she has a gift for you, it doesn't matter if the occasion is one day away or one month as soon as she has it - she really can't wait and we end up with early birthday/Christmas/Anniversary gifts, it is very funny!
Anyway back to the make, the final touches were applied earlier this week. I think you will agree this is a truely unique, very personal, very thoughtful and brilliant gift. Definately something I would have been thrilled to have received, My Girl definately has been delighted, and the Portuguese Housekeeper has really enjoyed making it and is very proud of herself and quite rightly I think.
We did take lots and lots of pictures.....
A very pink Nappy Cake |
Decorated on every tier |
Nappy cake wrapped and ready to be gifted |
Side View |
Close up of the top tier |
Sock roses, washcloth roses, flowers, dummies - it is stuffed full to the very core. |
The back of the cake with baby slippers having pride of place |
I really do hope the photos have done justice to this little masterpiece. Isn't it lovely!!
Alison x