Today we spent the whole day pottering about in the garden. I was hoping for a bit of a lie-in after staying up late to watch the Olympic Opening Ceremony - did you watch? I was a little sceptical at the beginning, however I did think it was brilliant and the lighting of the cauldron was truly magical - anyone who knows me will tell you that sport really isn't my thing (I tell them I am allergic to sport!), however I really enjoyed the ceremony, and felt quite excited for Team GB too and I definately felt proud to be British!
Back to the lie-in...... we have workmen renewing the pavements in our road at the moment they started 8.00am on Monday morning and have been hard at it all week, what we didn't realise was that they would be hard at it at 8.00 on a SATURDAY morning.. I can't say I was impressed with the beep beeping of the lorries manoeuvring at that time on a weekend and that was the end of my lie-in. I hope they do treat Sunday as a day of rest!
Unusually I had some willing helpers in the garden today;-
From the left - Stella, Nando, Hettie, Gillian with Flora by the rake |
All scratching about for the best bugs and goodies |
A classic chicken pose - fluffy knickers in the air! |
Sadly though this weekend there are just 5 chickens as little Luna passed away on Monday. Very peacefully in her favourite spot in her run, I could see what was happening and as she wasn't unwell, hurt or in pain, just worn out I think, I left her in peace in the run with Flora. She laid quietly with Flora gently clucking around her, standing very close by and checking on her constantly until she took her last breath. All of the chickens were unusually quiet for the whole of the day, which was a little unsettling. Luna was one of the ex-battery hens we re-homed 18 months ago and for an ex-batt that is a good amount of time to be living free, generally they don't live a long life after the stress of their early caged lives, the 18 months of living free and doing normal chickeny things for her was a bonus and I have to say of the three ex-batts she was my favourite - she was very bold, friendly, funny and vocal! I am going to miss Luna.
For Flora the last of the ex-batts it has been a stressful week, seeing her close friend leave her and then a couple of days roaming with the gang of 4 around the garden and finding her place in the pecking order, she has now moved in with them full time and all does seems OK with very little squabbling. I am a little worried about her though, as she does seem subdued and as expected she is now spending a lot of time on her own. Time will tell now whether she will be able to bounce back or whether it will all prove too much for this little one. Lots of treats and roaming in the garden is planned for a little while to keep them all occupied and hopefully help Flora find her way.
Flora sitting quietly under the table |
The girls resting after a hectic day of gardening |
Gillian is hogging the tyre |
Little faces looking at me for MORE treats! |
Thanks for your help today girls - it would have been a lot quicker without your help, but definately not as enjoyable or entertaining!! :)
Alison x