Wednesday, 1 June 2011


I think its time to explain.  I am sure you must be wondering why the shed on the Lottie came first...   well there are a couple of reasons;
  1. Tools can be stored in the shed - obviously!
  2. With tools in the shed,  I don't have to use the car, the Eco-life begins,  me and My Girl can cycle!
  3. How else am I going to collect rainwater in my freebie water butt,  the Eco life continues!
  4. Mr Milly needs a safe haven,  too many brambles and thorns on the plot at the mo - so he has to sit and watch,  which is very frustrating for him.  He has already had a puncture and if that continues he won't come to the Lottie with me.  :(
I think those 4 are good enough reasons,  in fact number 4 on its own is a good enough reason to complete the shed first. 

I'm on the look out now for some freebie paving slabs to put round the shed and build Mr Milly a little veranda - until he is able to move properly around the plot, he can supervise, tend seeds, make tea and keep me company,  I'm sure I will think of plenty more things for him to be doing!

No paving slabs on freecyle for a while,  but My Girl had a really  brilliant result today - Wood!  Lots and lots of all sorts of wood,  there is ply wood and battening for the shed roof,  wood for shed shelves,  conti board for shelves needed in the house,  posts for the corner of the raised beds,  paintable wood for plant labels (My Girl has the paint brushes out again!),  the same lady also gave us a box of CDs - about 100 in total -  to be used as bird scarers.   Another great find - Well done My Girl!!

CDs and Plant labels...

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