Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Big boys toys

I must have caught My Boy in a good mood on Monday he offered to  collect the rest of the paving slabs  for me,  the last  24 were collected in the truck and delivered to the lottie- so in total that was 45 freebie paving slabs!

My Boy is very pleased with his new toy,  so just a little picture of his 2 favorite toys to share with you;-

I was away yesterday,  I arrived home tonight about 7.00pm after a 3 hour drive home, My Girl had been to visit her friend and obviously feeling better as she had taken her bike.  10 minutes after arriving home Mr Milly had a call from My Girl,  she had fallen off her bike, cut her toe and was crying - she is 18 years old remember!  I honestly despair - she is so like her dad!!  LOL!

Mum to the rescue....  off to Walton to pick her up,  My Milly called me on the way,  her friend had gone off to get her some water and a plaster, I did chuckle!

One damaged daughter collected,  bike loaded into the back of the car, we did have a little chat on the way home - it went something like -  Now My Girl, what have you learnt from this?  Not to wear flip flops when riding my bike.  Is there anything else you've leant - Yes Mum not to ride a bike when the brakes aren't working!!!
The bruising is from earlier in the week - the very nasty cut toe is today's injury......

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