Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Hot and Sunny

Now isn't that just typical - back to work today and the weather was glorious!!

My Boy popped in for a visit,  its lovely to see him and I do miss him.  He was at a bit of a loose end today, so he offered to help at the Lottie,  me and Mr Milly jumped at the offer and Mr Boy set off with his dad for a couple of hours and look what happened.........

The veranda was laid - whoohoo!!  My Boy also dug out the next bed for me, so after work My Girl and me went to inspect the work, armed with our next little plants and high hopes of being able to get them in the ground.   My Girl still has a very very poorly toe - it looks like it is going to take an age to heal,  she is really struggling with footwear  and the only shoes she can wear are a thong type of sandal  (even flip flops are painful to wear) - so no hard work for her just very cautious walking!  She concentrated on prettying the Lottie with wigwams, plants, plant labels and bird scarers!

I managed to turn over the new bed and helped by Mr Milly the new bed was born....  My Girl planted it up and prettied whilst I started on the pathway and the result;-

Our Allotment is taking shape!!
And to top it all off we had 2 gifts at the Lottie today - a tray of Savoy cabbages had been left on our plot  from Clive at No 108 and Keeley at 96 left us a courgette plant  - How brilliant is that!

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