Home from our long weekend now and we had a lovely time. But what was the weather like on Sunday???!! In the middle of June and it poured and poured all day, absolutely non stop....
We were not letting a little thing like a torrential downpour spoil our day, so into the car and off to Bath we went. It is such a lovely and interesting place, we couldn't really explore as much as we would have liked as it was so cold and wet, but we spent a couple of hours doing the tour of the Roman Baths. There is a new lift to the lower levels now so Mr Milly was able to visit almost all of the place which was a real treat and what a fascinating place the Roman baths are.
Mr Milly at the Spa - Can you see the steam from the Hot Spring! |
Today we visited Stow on the Wold and the Slaughters - I love their names - it would be funny to say I live in Upper Slaughter! Upper and Lower Slaughter are 2 incredibly pretty Cotswold villages, all the buildings made of traditional honey coloured Cotswold stone with little streams running through the village centre, a true feast for the eyes.
Lower Slaughter Manor. How beautiful! Just like a picture postcard. |
This picture - just because its a great name for a shop! |
And now we are home a weekend to remember for a long time, and I loved spending time with My Bro, Sister-in-Law and Mr Milly.
And I've inspected all the animals, checked all the hanging baskets, tended the herbs, watered the salad table and visited the Lottie. My Girl did a good job of looking after everyone and everything whilst we were away and all is well.
Mr Bro was playing with his camera - what a funny weird photo at the end of our weekend.
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