Monday, 6 June 2011

Whoop Whoop!!

And drum roll  please.........................Look what Mr Milly and me did today............................

I think I could hear the sweetcorn sighing with relief
 And just to prove it.... they are planted in their brand new bed on the Lottie!!

My Girl laughed when she saw this picture and said they looked pathetic - well what does she know?!  I think they look lovely, and we are very pleased with ourselves!

My Girl has spent the day feeling sorry for herself - sitting as instructed with her feet up and ice packs,  she said the foot is feeling better today - I keep asking her if she is ready for digging - the answer every time is NO!!

I sent an email to the man who has given us the paving slabs through Freecyle,  still about 15 or so to be collected,  they were supposed to be collected yesterday, but  it was not possible with the hours and hours we spent in the hospital.   I fully expected to loose the slab and for him to offer them elsewhere,  well he has offered to keep them for me, even if it is a couple of weeks before I can collect - I am delighted and surprised they are going to sit at the end of his garden waiting for me,  Isn't that a really lovely and kind offer!   So after a rubbish day yesterday,  I think today has turned out rather well!  :)

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