This wet weather is slowing things down a tad at the moment, the weeds of course are loving it! I spent a few hours at the weekend just weeding. It was quite satisfying when I had finished as everywhere looks tider and a little more loved.
Nicely weeded onion, shallots and garlic bed |
The potatoes just keep appearing about the soil and with this constant threat of a late frost earthing them up is required. I'm really not sure if I am earthing them high enough each time as they appear again a couple of days after earthing up. I think some Googling is required to check I am doing it right.
Potatoes appearing again |
I have now put together the brassica cage - no high tech affair here though - bamboo canes topped with tennis balls from Poundland and covered with debris netting. It feels secure enough, although probably wouldn't withstand any snow!! It has not been planted as yet as currently I have started the hardening off process for the sprouts, Kale, Cabbage and Brocolli they should be ready in a week or so to face the big wide world.
Brassica cage |
In the poly cloche |
The little poly cloche is proving a god send - seedlings are protected and the direct sown beetroot, radish and lettuce are beginning to appear. I have already harvested some radish which were yummy!
Peas |
The peas are growing well and the protection nets seems to be doing the job. The runner bean frame has now had it strings attached and is ready for planting. The runner and french beans have just been sown and are in the warm at home to get them going.
Runner Bean Frame |
And as this is the year of the Jubilee - I thought I would join in the red, white and blue theme. I'm sure some of the older plot holders will think I am quite mad - but it cheers me up!
Bunting on the plot |
Bunting fluttering away
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