Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Poor Star

Star our lovely Weimaraner  is poorly today.  She had to go to the vets on Monday as she had a little growth appearing on her eye lid - the vet didn't like the look of it and today Star spent the day with the vet and under the knife.

She has had the growth on her eyelid removed and the vet found another starting on her other eye which has also been removed.  She also had some skin tags the vet was concerned with and these have been removed along with the very big fatty lump growing on her leg.   Star is 12 years old, we have had her since she was 12 weeks old and she truly is Mr Milly's baby,  unfortunately time is catching her up and she is beginning now to show her age.

My Boy and Mr Milly collected her from the Vet tonight as I was travelling home from Colchester,  I phoned Mr Milly on my way home to see how Star was doing and Mr Milly said she was feeling very sorry for herself and was very tearful!   That is a very strange thing to say about a dog,  but I understood what he meant!

Oh my,  I was shocked when I arrived home!  Star limped heavily to the door to see me and stood and whimpered like a little baby - she really is a very sorry sight tonight.  We are keeping her quiet and wrapped in a blanket to keep warm,  every now and again she gets up and has a little limp around and most of the time she is whimpering - it is heartbreaking!

Tonight she will spend the night in with us,  so I don't expect I will get much sleep - she is a big dog and when she is in the bed it is like having another adult in the bed!  Not particularly comfortable,  but tonight I think it will be needed.

A couple of pictures of the very sorry looking Star -

You can just see her weeping eye in this photo

She just looks sad and unhappy

Nasty operation site

Two cuts on one leg

I'll let you know tomorrow how she is doing and how much sleep I managed to get!

Hi Monica - thank you for your lovely comment,  I have lots of Hosepipe left over - let me know if you want any!

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