The Lottie is keeping me busy at the moment as we start to gear up for the busy summer growing season. I think I have pretty much completed all of the hard tasks for now and it is just maintenance - which is lovely to be at that point.
I have been crafting too, some knitting, some sewing and some crochet.
The Peg Bag love continues and I have 3 more to add to the ever growing collection. I have added some flower embellishments to a couple of them and I think I quite like this - what do you think?
A blue Peg bag |
Yellow Peg Bag |
Jubilee Peg Bag |
I found some new and slightly cheaper scarf wool when I was in Wales and one has been knitted up, this one will either be kept for a Christmas present or could be put up for sale. I like the colours of this one, slightly different from the colours I usually work with.
Knitted Scarf |
I also have a new quilt on the go, I do like quilting and would probably do more of it, but currently the sewing machine lives in the living room and it is not fair on Mr Milly to be sewing when he is trying to relax, so I grab a few minutes here and there and slowly slowly the little stash of pin wheel squares are growing. It will take a fair few to make the quilt, so I expect this one will be a few months in the making.
Pin Wheel squares |
Crocheting of course is my preferred craft of choice, I like to sit, relax and watch the TV keep my hands busy. I am positively twitchy if I don't have something to be working on. Mr Milly likes this craft too - it is quiet, unlike sewing and the rattling of the machine and me backwards and forwards to the sewing machine - it positively drives him nuts! Then there is knitting - it is OK and the first craft I learnt as a child. I am OK at it, but not great and the click clicking of the knitting needles really does irritate my poor long suffering husband! But with crochet the single hook makes no noise and I sit still to work.
The downside of crochet - what do I make. There is only so many hats we can all wear and during the summer months, no one wants them. I have tried my hand at baby cardigans and hats, but I'm not keen on all of the little bits and pieces needed for a baby cardigan, so I dabble occasionally with with little enthusiasm.
Baby Cardie |
My latest little projects have been tea cozies - we now have a little collection and I use the one which suits my mood. I do get to choose which one we are using as Mr Milly would probably choose not to have one at all!!
An elaborate Tea Cosy |
Stripy cup matching Tea Cosy |
Patriotic Tea Cosy |
Pink Tea Cosy |
This weekend I decided that I need a longer project to sit and work quietly on for a while, a blanket for our bed seems in order - it will fill the gap until the blue quilt is finished.
The start of the double bed size blanket |
That should keep my twitchy hands busy for a while!
Alison x
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