Some of this thinking has definitely been driven by my Lottie, the recylcing/upcycling/freecyling is addictive and quite fun to see what can be found, reused or passed on with pennies and pounds being saved along the way. Also with the Lottie we have become little squirrels and are storing things away for the winter. As the Lottie was new this year I don't think I have quite managed to think about planting for harvesting the whole year - it was very much a case of dig a bit, plant a bit and see what happens! We did end up though with much more than we ever imagined this year, which has been great.
As a consequence we now have the second little freezer in the shed and both freezers are pretty full. Lots of frozen veggies and apples from the Lottie and some bargains from the supermarkets where they could be found.
With the chutneys and jams, mustard and sauces made this year the cupboards are pretty full too, so much so we have definitely run out of space for storage and the little shed is being used more and more for storage where possible.
The storage cupboard |
Cooking has become a bit of an obsession - for us both I think and a little bit of healthy competition has crept in between me and Mr Milly. I'll give you an example - our bread machine is now in almost daily use, we haven't shop bought bread for 3 months now. This domain always belonged to Mr Milly, now we both make bread and always compare how each of us have prepared the mix, which loaf is the best colour, size and taste - whatever comparison we can think of really! Today it was garlic bread, I made the last batch and I have to say it was great! Today it was Mr Milly's turn, every step of the way we compared how the other would do it, which pan was best to use, which way to add the garlic and butter was best, what was the best oven temperature and on it went. Of course I thought my way was best and Mr Milly was sure his way was better!!! The result was good (mine was great!), half of the result was had for tea and the other has now found a spare space in the freezer for another day.
Biscuits are my domain - again no bought biscuits have entered the house for the last 3 months. I make batches at a time, freeze some and have some in the biscuit tin, to be topped up from the freezer as we go along. Today I made Anzac biscuits and shortbread.
In fact 2 batches of the Anzac biscuits were made - I completely mis read the recipe which was 1 teaspoon of bicarb into 2 tablespoons of boiling water. I read it as 2 tablespoons of bicarb to 2 tablespoons of water and the result was absolutely VILE! Straight into the bin for that lot with a second batch into the oven! Mr Milly did gloat and has done so all afternoon......... when I was looking for inspiration tonight for the blog.... His suggestion 'write about your disaster with the biscuits'. So for my very competitive hubby - Blog written as directed!

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