As promised an update on the Lottie, my little plot hasn't been forgotten or neglected, but work over there is just slooooowww at the moment.
There are some reasons for this, a 2 week holiday, the nights are drawing in so I'm not really able to visit after work and My Girl is not around to help is just a few of them.
We have started now to prepare the existing beds for the winter. The Sweetcorn bed, bean bed and cabbage have all now been cleared, dug over and more weeds and brambles removed (they are just so never ending!) and topped with a layer of compost and manure. Two of the beds have been covered with weed suppressant and will now stay that way until the spring.
Sweetcorn and bean bed ready for winter |
Empty cabbage bed |
I am working from the back of the plot towards the front, one bed at a time to prepare them for their next job. The soon to be Gooseberry bed has been started (I love Gooseberries and they are so expensive to buy, so I am hoping the 2 bushes I have bought will produce a good harvest!!) their bed has been dug over and is now topped with compost and manure and in 2 weeks I'll plant the gooseberries.
The new gooseberry bed 'maturing' for a couple of weeks |
A little harvest on Sunday - it was a swede, a couple of turnips and purple carrots. I had a freebie packet of purple carrot seeds from somewhere (I can't rmember where from!) and planted them to see what would happen. Enough carrots for one meal were picked and they certainly were interesting! We had them for tead mashed with the swede. Now I didn't realise that it was the orange in carrots which give carrot and swede mash its lovely orange colour - maybe I should have know that, but I think I have just not paid attention! So with purple carrots- what do you get? A greyish, purpleish sludgey colour, not the most attractive of veg on a plate! Their saving grace, they tasted lovely!
So I've tried the purple carrots and interesting - Yes, would I grow them again - No, I definately prefer the vibrant orange colour!
Interesting aren't they!? - Puple on the outside and normal carrot colour at the centre.
These have been peeled and are ready for the pot. |
NB;- Thank you Anonymous for your lovely comment on this post
Pumpkin . It is lovely to receive comments and to know you are enjoying my little blog!
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