Wednesday, 8 February 2012

The Fox Saga

Do you remember this post?  Cunning Mr Fox.  We have watched the fox over the last few weeks, sometimes it is in the tree and other times it is not.    We know for definite that it has no problem climbing the tree and will happily sit up there all day.  We think it must have found or made a comfy platform as we can watch it stand up, turn around and curl up again.
Mr Fox turning around getting ready to curl up


Today there is a new development:-

Count the foxes!!

TWO foxes in the tree!!  Before you know it there will be a whole family up there!  Just a reminder we live in an urban district and this tree is huge - much taller than our 2 storey semi detached house.  Unbelieveable  don't you think!

The tree at the end of the garden

As much as I dislike foxes having lost my ducks to one of them and the constant threat they pose to my chickens - the new one is really quite a stunning looking creature. 

I wonder how this saga of the foxes will unfold?

Alison  x

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