Saturday, 21 May 2011

Dents and Scratches

Inspiration from No. 96

My Visitor today - I do love Robins

Its been a hard and sad day today.  The day is nearly over, but the sadness is not and I don't think it ever will be.

Lets talk some happy talk,   Mr Milly, My Girl and me went to the local Car Boot sale today - the sun was shining and the car park was full.   It was good having a wonder around the pitches,  not much to buy that interested us this time though.   I came home with some sweetcorn plants ready to go in the ground,  so as I was inspired and for a bit of motivation I planted some more,  followed by peas, french beans, cucumber, butternut squash and some mangetout.  The garden now has lots of little seed trays wrapped in Cling film - It is making me want to get on with No. 95 and have it ready for all of those lovely little plants.

The day was already planned for sad things today and when this was finished I decided to take my frustrations out on the brambles!  Off to the lottie,  the sun was shining and not many people about, so a welcome little bit of me quiet time.   Spent nearly 2 hours, cutting, pulling, piling and moving - did I make a difference?  Just a bigger scratch and still not a dent,  I think I'm going to have to bring in the power tools!   Can you see the difference????



1 comment:

  1. I definitely can see a diffrence! I can't believe this was how you began, sounds like VERY hard work but look at what you have now....

    I'm going to carry on reading (should be going to bed really!)x


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