Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Reaction No 2

After taking Mr Milly to the Lottie - it was the turn of My Girl for a visit.   She has not been on an allotment site before and she was excited!!  18 years old,  but at heart she is still  a 6 year old!

We oooed and aahed at the chickens, admired the scarecrows,  she played with every water pump on the way to our lottie and skipped along just like a true 6 year old - she is very funny!!

We arrived at No. 95 and she was filled with  true enthusiasm and excitement  "We can have a BBQ here Mum,  we can camp out here, can I have a bit to plant of my own,  I'm going to make you a sign - Mum's Allotment"  We laughed a lot!!

We wandered along looking at the other plots - 2 girlies together - I'm sure you can hear the conversation....... "I don't like the way they have done that,  thats a good idea,  shall we plant some of those? what a funny looking plant - I wonder what it is?"  All very girlie and silly!

The sign hasn't materialised yet, but she has been rummaging in the shed and asking where the paint and sander are - I dread to think!  but no doubt it will be beautiful and I will love it!!

Today My Girl has been on a mission its called Freecycle and she did great.  12 brocolli plants, some plant pots, seed trays a sieve, a trowel and a truely HUGE waterbutt..... well done My Girl x x
Goodies from Freecycle today


  1. This is a comment from the Girl Milly!!!! My mums first EVER comment!! wow! the allotment is AMAZING and i can't wait for us to get started...I love you and our allotment and I am sure we are going to have many happy funny hours spend there.... XxXx

  2. Oh My God. My big sis is a Blogger!!


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