Saturday, 27 August 2011

A letter

We have just arrived home from North Wales...  I feel like I have spent 2 days driving!

On the door mat was a letter for me...............................................

Dear Allotment Holder,

2011 Allotment Prize Presentation Evening
Wednesday 28th September
Council Chambers
Drinks and Nibbles from 6.30
Award Presentations 7.00-8.00pm

Congratulations - your hard work and patience have been recognised and have been included in this year's award presentation.

The Council would like to cordially invite you and one guest to a small buffet and drinks to the above event in the Council Chambers.

Please contact on the above address or email and confirm your attendance.

Yours sincerely
Parks Strategy Officer

I think a phone call to the Parks Strategy Officer on Tuesday is in order - someone surely must have made a mistake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure it's not a mistake. Well done and well deserved.


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