Sunday 14 August 2011

A Few changes

Freecyle has been kind this weekend and I have acquired 2 carry bags of empty egg boxes - they are really handy as we give so many eggs away!  And another compost bin came our way.   Now I have never been overly happy with the compost bins we built from pallets - they just looked way too big,   took up an enormous amount of space and no proper door and they just look so very untidy.  So with the acquisition of a second 'dalek' type compost bin I have decided to do away with the pallet compost bins, and regain the space. 

Old Compost bins

New (new to me!) Compost Bins

I am now on the lookout for another 2 compost bins,  4 will be plenty for rotating the compost and storing some manure too.  So the back of the plot has been worked on today.  Wooden bins deconstructed and a tidy looking pallet fence now edges the side of the plot.   This particular side has a lot of brambles both to the side and behind it.   The fence should hide these and as they grow through the fence it should be relative easy to keep them in check.   

The space that previously housed the bins has been dug over with compost and a purchased bag of manure - its is now covered to stop any weeds growing through and in a couple of weeks it will be ready for the rhubarb to be planted - a permanent rhubarb bed has been created.  For the 2 daleks I have dug under them and loosened the soil for the wormies to get in and do their stuff and these are now sited in their permanent home and await a couple of companions.    This all feels like a much better use of the space, which did feel a little wasted and hopefully great rhubarb and compost will result!

Nice and neat and tidy.  The wood chip is a bit sparse - its only to cover the bed
for a little while and and then it will be moved.  

Charlotte the Lottie scarecrow admiring the new fence and rhubarb bed. 
So much better with green grass rather than weedy bare earth

So Freecyle has been kind and Ebay was too - a push mower came up,  not too far from home and listed as a brand new one.   I put a tentative reasonable bid on it and won!  Much less than half the price of a new one and it is new!   Mr Milly and me collected it this morning - took it to the plot, the cutting blades were set to the lowest setting, far too short for my new grass and no spanner with us to adjust it!  How annoying - I wanted to play with my new toy!   So instead of my Lottie having a cut all the pathways around the Lottie are now lovely neat and short!
My new toy
All in all a good weekend - I hope you had a good one too.x x

Another picture of Charlotte - just because I like her!


  1. The lotti looks amazing. You have been working hard.

  2. The lotti is really coming on now - what a difference the grass makes to how it looks - so much nicer! Updated pics to follow shortly.


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