Wednesday, 10 August 2011

A funny old week

I think it must be holiday blues - but everything is a bit of an effort this week!

Blogger hasn;t worked properly for the last couple of days, so no update from me.   It appears to be working now - fingers crossed!

I sowed some more grass seed at the weekend - I've decided that Grass paths are the way to go.  The first lot of seed we sowed has come up lovely,  it could do with a little cut now though, but I have yet to find a lawnmower.  I'm looking for a simple dimple little push mower - none have come up on Freecyle in the last month or so, and none showing on Ebay near enough to home to make it worthwhile bidding on one.   I think I will leave it another week or so,  visit the  car boot sale on Saturday morning, and if none has still appear I might have to bite the bullet and buy one!!   Anyway - back to the grass seed,  this new lot has not yet germinated and no little grass seedlings have yet appeared.   The pack did say 4 day germination and today is day 6 and not a single sprout in sight!  It is a different seed to the one I used before, I'm going to give it until the weekend and if there is still nothing I'll go back to the original seed and try again.

Another little harvest has come home from the Lottie;-

The tomatoes are from the garden

Lots more french and runner beans growing but not quite ready for picking.  We we are going to freeze these ones until we have enough for a meal or two!   Its exciting seeing things beginning to grow and working out whether they are ready for picking.   My Girl would be picking as soon as they appear - she has to be restrained!!  LOL.  It is fun though!

We wandered around the lottie plots today - I like to do this now and again - gives a bit of motivation and lots of ideas.   Today we found this one,  with the most delightful pumpkin patch - something to add to the list I'm thinking!

An ingenious use for pallets - grow the pumpkins and squash through them, 
keeps them off the grown and stops them rotting - Brillinat!

This picture - just because its pretty!

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