Tuesday, 31 May 2011

A Busy few hours

Last night My Girl and me rushed over to pick up the paving slabs,  60cm x 60cm ones - blimey they were heavy!  We took them straight to the Lottie and plonked them on the plot.

What a lovely sunny evening today - I could hear Mr Milly pottering around  during the day and gathering tools, screws, drills, all sorts really.  My Girl finished work,  her friend came for a visit - she is affectionately known to us as the Portuguese Housekeeper,  I finished work, we loaded the car and off we all went.

What a brilliant help it is having an extra pair of hands,  the 2 girls lifted the slabs and laid them in place - that was the easy bit, we then spent ages and ages levelling the slabs and getting them just right,  on with the base, off with the base, adjust that slab, on with the base, off with the base, adjust another slab...  on it went, and Mr Milly being the perfectionist he is, kept a watchful and supervisory eye.

On with the base, off with the base....

Levelling up

Finally - we did it - the shed went up!!  A bit of pushing and pulling, drilling and screwing and the shed is in place.......... Woohoo!!!

Our freecycle freebie

Monday, 30 May 2011

Worn Out

That's me and My Girl,  completely and utterly worn out!  We spent about 4 hours at the Lottie today,  we cleared a little more and cut down the last of the brambles.   There is a lot piled on the Lottie, we were just completely fed up with clearing and moving brambles, My Girl had completely lost enthusiasm for brambles, so I decided enough was enough and it was time to do something else.

We moved the shed and decided where we wanted its permanent home to be,  marked out the base and got digging!   We dug all the bramble roots out from the shed base and all around it,  turned the earth over and its now ready for the paving slabs to go down and then the shed.

A good plan I think as as we now all feel that something has moved forward.  Although there is a lot of work still to be done!  Digging the roots out wasn't quite as bad as I thought it was going to be,  we cleared that area in about an hour between the 2 of us. 

I think I have been forgiven by Mr Milly and Mr Girl now for choosing this particular very overgrown plot.   All the 'neighbours' were around at some point today,  everyone stops for a chat,  lots of  loan of tools was offered and offers of help with putting up the shed too...  a really very social little corner and we love it!

Base for the shed - are you impressed??  LOL

Some of the roots

Sunday, 29 May 2011


We left home at 10.30 this morning,  armed with a variety of tools,  cool bag with lunch and goodies and my lovely flask of tea.

We surveyed the scene and decided we had well the day before,  John the site rep came for a visit and re-measured the plot for us...  I wasn't sure where all the boundaries were and didn't want to go where I shouldn't,  anyway the plot is massive - 54ft x 32ft!  Mr Milly thinks he is a farmer and keeps talking about our land!

Did we get the shed up? - in a word NO.....  I knew it was optimistic,  but nice to have a goal in mind.  We have cut down all of the brambles though and nearly cleared them all,  but after 5 hours My Girl and me had completely had it - all the aching from yesterday returned with a vengeance!   The plan for tomorrow is to clear all the debris and hopefully dig out the base for the shed,  I'm watching some paving slabs on Ebay today and hopefully I will get them at a good price...  so if the back, legs and shoulder hold up we could be in with a chance.

From the top

From the path
Success with Ebay tonight and I've won the auction for the paving slabs - about 1/4 of the price of buying new ones - WooHoo!!

Saturday, 28 May 2011


Aching in my hands, my back, my legs, my arms, my shoulders,  in fact aching just about everywhere tonight!

We have had a good day though,  didn't manage to clear all of the brambles but I think we have about 1/3 of them left to do.   The plan for tomorrow is the rest of the brambles,  then dig out the area for the shed and hopefully get the shed up... My Milly tells me that is a little optimistic! 

I was too tired at the end of the day I forgot to take any photos - so no pictures of the progress,  a grand unveiling tomorrow......... hopefully!

It has been very hard work,  but we did have a some help.  My Sister In Law and littlest Nephew came for a visit,  bless him he was raking all the grass, and was very interested in the little vole he found when he went for an explore with Mr Milly.  My Sister In Law helped too - what a difference an extra pair of hands make - thank you both for your help today x

My Girl was a little nervous of the Scary brush cutter, but soon got into her stride and cut loads of the brambles ready for me and My Sister In Law to rake them up and carry them away.

All in all a good day - I hope you had a good one too x

My Girl - looking like a Transformer - robots in disguise!!

Thursday, 26 May 2011

The weekend is nearly Here

I've been away again for the last 2 days - less said about that the better!

So nothing done on the Lottie for the last couple of days....  Mr Milly and me did take a wander over there on Tuesday evening,  the sun was shining and it was a lovely warm May evening.  I wanted him to admire my handiwork and have a look at the shed which I am hoping will go up this weekend.  He seemed suitably impressed - I think he was just humoring me really!!

My Girl and me have started working out our plan of action for this lovely long weekend.  The local DIY store is having a closing down sale, I think I will venture over there tomorrow for a bit of a Lottie bargain hunt.....and the power tools are booked ready for collection tomorrow!!  Woohoo!! 

A Scary Looking Brush Cutter

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Sweet Nellie

Nellie and freedom
 Another sad day....  today we lost Nellie.  She was an Ex battery hen we rescued  in February this year.  She was always the loner,  a little bit picked on by the others, but the sweetest, friendliest and gentliest of all the hens.  She was a dab hand at grab and run!  As soon as you walked up to the run she was there having a look to see what you had,  throw it in and Nellie would grab and run so that she could eat in peace.

I have always thought she would be the first one we would loose,  she never seemed as strong and robust as the others, although she was the first of the ex batts to re-gain all of her feathers, in fact today you wouldn't know that she was ever an ex battery hen.

I did vist the vet with her 2 weeks ago as she did seem to be poorly,  a course of anti-biotics followed and lots of TLC,  she did seems to rally, until today.  She was very slow coming out of the house this morning, but she did tuck into the freshly picked rocket  I gave them this morning.     This afternoon I took them some potatoes and spinach a true favourite,  Nellie was sitting in the corner of the run in the dappled shade and was not interested in the food.   I lifted her out and stood her to shut the door,  she folded her legs and sat,  not enough strength to stand,  Mr Milly and I gave her some water in a syringe and gave her a cuddle.   She dropped her head and was gone.

I will miss you Nellie,  but you were free and happy and have had 3 months of being able to do normal chickeny things,  scratching around,  dirt bathing, digging for worms, lying in the sun, being spoilt and having good food.  For that I am grateful.

Running and stretching her wings


Some of the other Happy chicks

Monday, 23 May 2011

The Sign post

Thank you My Girl x x
I knew it would be beautiful and I do love it!

Sunday, 22 May 2011

Stop Start

A bit of a stop start day today.    Furniture moving until lunchtime and then packed the wellies, drinks and secateurs and off to the Lottie.    My Girl had been watching freecycle all morning, and by lunchtime she had found a shed for the Lottie - but it had to be collected today    A couple of phone calls made and thank goodness for my lovely brother who came to my rescue!  He did have to travel 60 miles round trip today to pick up the shed before the borrowed lorry had to be returned.   I'm sure he had better things to do with his day - but I am very grateful - thank you Lovely Brother and Andy!

Its a good job we had created that little scratch at No. 95 (it is now a tiny bit bigger) as the shed is now resting there, ready to be put back together again.   Me and My Girl  are now trying to decide what lovely colour to paint it,  I have told her  though that pink IS NOT an option!

I'm feeling the pressure now.....  earlier planted seeds are starting to sprout,  the sweetcorn is outgrowing its pots and the gooseberry bushes just look like a couple of dead little twigs in pots.... the shed is waiting to be erected, painted and  then some sort of base laid for it and the brambles are still to be tackled.

Roll on the long weekend - power tools are calling and 3 long days of hard work coming up... I can't wait!

Saturday, 21 May 2011

Dents and Scratches

Inspiration from No. 96

My Visitor today - I do love Robins

Its been a hard and sad day today.  The day is nearly over, but the sadness is not and I don't think it ever will be.

Lets talk some happy talk,   Mr Milly, My Girl and me went to the local Car Boot sale today - the sun was shining and the car park was full.   It was good having a wonder around the pitches,  not much to buy that interested us this time though.   I came home with some sweetcorn plants ready to go in the ground,  so as I was inspired and for a bit of motivation I planted some more,  followed by peas, french beans, cucumber, butternut squash and some mangetout.  The garden now has lots of little seed trays wrapped in Cling film - It is making me want to get on with No. 95 and have it ready for all of those lovely little plants.

The day was already planned for sad things today and when this was finished I decided to take my frustrations out on the brambles!  Off to the lottie,  the sun was shining and not many people about, so a welcome little bit of me quiet time.   Spent nearly 2 hours, cutting, pulling, piling and moving - did I make a difference?  Just a bigger scratch and still not a dent,  I think I'm going to have to bring in the power tools!   Can you see the difference????




A quick post today as it it now very late.   My Boy's birthday today - he is 23 now,  time does fly past.   I am very proud of him and he seems to be very happy.   He left home 2 years ago, and we all get along much better now but I think he has also grown up a lot too.

He invited us to a BBQ for his birthday, as he was having some of his mates over.   Lovely  to be invited we thought, Mr Milly and me.   Last weekend he said he had been thinking about it and he was worried that it might be a bit difficult at his house for the BBQ, so could he have it at our house.      Oh blimey!!  Well of course we said Yes no problem - "how many will there be?" and then he started to count..... Aaron, Alex, Lucy, Paul, their partner and ..... by the time he reached 25 we were starting to panic!

Anyway after Mr Milly has spent the week cleaning the house, organising food, shopping trips to Costco,  I baked cakes last night and  the day arrived.....   I think it has been great and he has really enjoyed himself,  really good food,  really good friends and far too much drink - but lovely!    The average age was about 22 -I did feel ancient,  but all his friends are lovely and my family was here too.

Happy Birthday My Boy,- I love you x

Some of the cakes

Star decided to join the party too!  

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Baby Steps

Baby steps at No. 95 today.  My Girl and me set off with our thorn resistant gloves,  secateurs and loppers.  I realised 2 minutes into the drive that My Girl was wearing flip-flops - really not ideal but she insisted they would be Ok - Hmmmmm!!

Parked at the gates and had a gentle meander through the plots to No.95.  Stuart was at No 96,  gave us a quick demo on how to use the water pump (the secret is in the priming apparently!)- a good  job he showed us as My Girl couldn't get it to work on Monday,  we are such newbies!!  LOL!

So we stood and stared at the massive job in front of us - oh blimey, where do we start!  We started at the back of the plot - there is some logic,  clear some space at the back,  then all the bits we find (pallets, rubbish bags, lightbulbs! - why are they lightbulbs on an allotment?) can all be put in the space at the back to clear the way at the front for serious clearing and digging and eventually planting - looking forward to the last bit!

20 minutes into the work,  My Girl did the little girl thing of "I want a drink",  15 minutes later  "Mum, I'm really thirsty",  10 minutes later,  "mum I REALLY need a drink and my flip flops are full of thorns".  So back home we went - a quick change into much more sensible welly boots,  a very large drink and back to No.95 we went.

Did another hour of cutting, pulling and chopping and we definately haven't made a dent more of a tiny scratch on the surface - but it is a start.   I think the flip flops will have to be binned it would be like walking on a bed of nails!  I'm off  now to nurse my wounds and make cakes for My Boys birthday tomorrow.  x

The Scratch
The Scratches

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Reaction No 2

After taking Mr Milly to the Lottie - it was the turn of My Girl for a visit.   She has not been on an allotment site before and she was excited!!  18 years old,  but at heart she is still  a 6 year old!

We oooed and aahed at the chickens, admired the scarecrows,  she played with every water pump on the way to our lottie and skipped along just like a true 6 year old - she is very funny!!

We arrived at No. 95 and she was filled with  true enthusiasm and excitement  "We can have a BBQ here Mum,  we can camp out here, can I have a bit to plant of my own,  I'm going to make you a sign - Mum's Allotment"  We laughed a lot!!

We wandered along looking at the other plots - 2 girlies together - I'm sure you can hear the conversation....... "I don't like the way they have done that,  thats a good idea,  shall we plant some of those? what a funny looking plant - I wonder what it is?"  All very girlie and silly!

The sign hasn't materialised yet, but she has been rummaging in the shed and asking where the paint and sander are - I dread to think!  but no doubt it will be beautiful and I will love it!!

Today My Girl has been on a mission its called Freecycle and she did great.  12 brocolli plants, some plant pots, seed trays a sieve, a trowel and a truely HUGE waterbutt..... well done My Girl x x
Goodies from Freecycle today

Tuesday, 17 May 2011


Well today I am away from home back tomorrow and can't wait.  Its been 2.5 years now of working away from home 2 days a week and I'm well and truly tired of it, eating out on your own really is no fun and I'm fed up with hotels.

Anyway - took Mr Milly to the Lottie yesterday,  sold all of its virtues along the way....  its got really good access,  be really easy for you, can park nearby, water on the plot, think of all the great things we can grow etc etc.........

I parked at the site gates and we walked through the plots to my little Lottie, we stopped and admired the chickens,  the scarecrows, the lovely rows of potatoes, cabbages, runner beans whatever took our fancy.  We passed one very overgrown plot...  "Yours isn't like that?" he asked.. "Oh no" said I......................

Round the corner to number 95.. I let him go a little ahead of me then I stopped, he stopped,  he took one look at my little Lottie and said "please tell me this isn't the one?"!!!!!!!!  Well I didn't fib - mine is nothing like the earlier overgrown plot - its worse!!!     Anyway we said hello to Stuart next door and had a little chat,  walked up a little further and met Barney - who has the biggest plot on the whole site,  took another look and ours and then wandered home.  I must have sold it well to Mr Milly cause by the time we reached home,  all of 5 mins drive he was talking about OUR Lottie!!  Woohoo x  

Reaction No 2 tomorrow x

Monday, 16 May 2011

The First Ever Post

Today Mr Postie delivered a great letter - an Allotment Offer letter - woohoo!!

This is going to be a long post - I'm telling a story.

This site did have vacancies when I put my name on the list and today the offer arrived!  Couldn't wait for lunch time to arrive,  off to the council offices for the key,  plot map in hand and off I went. 

Wandered around the plots for a bit and then met John - one of the site reps and what a godsend!    We looked at  plot 51a - a funny triangle shape, but no brambles, the water pump nearby is not very good apparently.  Then onto plot 29,  brambles about 4 foot high and a couple of oak and sycamore trees growing too  - not very appealing.  we talked about my 'want' list - must have easy access - Mr Milly has a wheelchair and I really want him to be able to help me (I don't think he feels the same!!),  nearby parking and good water nearby.  Not a very difficult list really!

So off to plot 102,  I liked this one......BUT....  none of the plots to the left or right for several plots were being worked and the plot backing this one has just erected a HUGE chicken house - it did feel very isolated and a bit out of the way - aren't you supposed to chat on the plot?   

Another try then - Plot 95,  now this one was not even on the list of plots offered, but John assured me it was available.   Long wide and flat path leading to the plot with parking  just 2 plots away........ the corner plot is not being worked,  the next one no.94 is being worked with a child's wheelbarrow on the plot - a family affair!  The plot opposite is immaculate with beautiful raised beds and hooped net frames,  extremely neat and tidy, the chappie said hello and said the best water pump on the whole site was here -,  the ones either side of his are being worked, one is quite new.......... nearly there.......  but lets look at plot 96 first,  a lovely little blue shed at the back of the plot and immaculate beds, runner bean poles,  earthed up potatoes, neat and tidy compost bins - divine.  Now I am really excited - this is the one I'm thinking....... there it is, and the water pump is right on the plot - not next to it, not near it but right on the plot.   Parking very close,  wide flat easily accessible paths,  water right on the plot,  nicely worked plots all around, and I think it is the right size.

I said yes please this is the one....  off to the council offices to get it before anyone else,  all signed sealed and delivered during my lunch break.

Hello my little Lottie you are perfect.....................................

Well I don't think 6 foot brambles are a problem - oops!