Thursday, 7 July 2011


Today I am in Bristol.   As usual its been a very long day.  Tonight I have been out with the lovely bubbly Steph - often when I am here she will come out with me for the evening,  she likes to treat me as a tourist and take me to different places and see different bits of Bristol,  I always have a great time with Steph,  she really is very good company.

So this evening we went to Clifton.  Clifton is a very very pretty place  - a different piece of  Bristol to visit.   We  had a meal in a little Italian restaurant and then to the Avon Gorge Hotel,  its has a garden area which sits just under Clifton Suspension bridge and at the top of the Gorge - its really was a bit too cold and wet to be sitting outside - (well what do you expect with the British weather -  it is the 6th of July!!!).  The view  from the Hotel garden  is stunning.

At the moment in Bristol there is an exhibition of Gorillas to mark the 175th anniversary of Bristol Zoo,  there are apparently 60 gorilla sculptures scattered around Bristol which are on display for 10 weeks and tonight I saw 2 of them!  Each one is unique - they certainly are eye catching!

Avon Gorge Hotel Gorilla - decorated by Bristol Young Carers

The Bridge lights have just lit up

Gorilla with top hat sitting at the base of the Suspension Bridge


  1. Never been to Bristol, looks fab. The gorillas look amazing (very funny). The bridge looks lovely all lit up.

  2. What happened with Friday's blog?


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