Today it is My Girl's birthday - 19 years old today and doesn't the time fly past! We are having a bar-be-que this afternoon, just family and a couple of My Girl's friends I think there will be about 16 of us in total.
So today we will be busy! Mr Milly has made the burgers and humus, and this morning we have a mad rush to tidy up house and garden ready for our visitors.
My Girl managed to look after everything quite well whilst we were away - although the Lottie is looking very very weedy! The morning we left for our holiday My Girl was a little sad as she was staying home, anyway the taxi arrived to take us to the airport, lots of hugs and kisses as we loaded the car, then we were waving bye bye My Girl love you have a good week, the taxi went along the road a little way and then turned round, we drove past the house and My Girl was now waving frantically - I realised she was waving for us to stop - What's up? - 'Mum I've looked myself out of the house'!!!!! What is she like LOL!! The front door had shut behind her and there she was on the doorstep in her PJs and we hadn't even got out of our road! We did chuckle all the way to the airport me and Mr Milly!
El Medano beach |
View from my sunbed! |
Another view from my sunbed - isn't it gorgeous! |
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