Sunday, 4 September 2011


Wyevale Garden Center has a sale on their seeds.  All seeds are 50p a packet - so I stocked up!  Total saving was about £10.00 just on the seeds and quite a variety I have too.  Sitting and taking stock of my little seed store now, it looks like I have enough seeds for the Lottie and also the Flower baskets for next year.  I now have some over wintering cabbages and lettuce seeds to be sown, so the local freebie newspaper has been put to good use with my little Paper Potter and little pots are now waiting for the seeds.

Paper Pots

Some of the seeds for next years planting.
This morning I decided to visit a Car Boot sale,  it is one not particularly close to home, so I often forget about it, but this morning I made an effort and off I went.  Mr Milly decided to stay home - not the best things to visit when you are in a wheelchair!  This car boot is huge,  but rain was threatening this morning and being on my own I did a very quick sweep of the sale,   I am really pleased with my purchases!

A lovely wicker basket for bringing my wares home from the Lottie - I have wanted one of these or a trug for ages,  they are both very expensive to buy - this one cost the grand sum of 50p and its a perfect size exactly what I have been looking for!

A little folding iron board - I'm using My Girl's bedroom as my sewing room now that she is not at home.   Mr Milly has suffered enough with me using my very old and noisy sewing machine right behind him in the living room!  An iron board is essential when sewing - so I'm delighted with  my little £2.00 bargain it will sit perfectly inside the wardrobe when not being used and take up minimal space.    It could benefit from a new cover, but I have wadding and fabric so a little project to make a new one is in hand.

As the days are now getting shorter and cooler it would be good to have some herbs now growing in doors,  I have been looking for a window box affair for a little while - to sit on the kitchen windowsill and have fresh herbs throughout the winter.   These also can be costly to buy or the ones I have seen have not exactly been what I wanted.   Today I found a wooden box at the boot sale, the perfect size - it was  £1 so I snapped it up.  We have some paint left over from when My Girl was making the Lottie signs,  so a little paint to brighten it up and a herb window box will be made!

It is a wet and miserable day today - no visits to the Lottie for me,  today will be a day for jobs in the house and time in the kitchen.

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