I thought I had finished the quilt and have now decided a little more work is needed on it
:(. Pictures to follow.
Yesterday the Portuguese Housekeeper came to the Lottie with me - I had a definite mission in mind for this weekend - to clear as much as possible of the front on the plot. Between us we soon got into a rhythm, using my Azada I would take some grass off, the Portuguese Housekeeper would load the grass into wheelbarrow and deposit it on the heap behind the plot, by the time she returned the next lot of grass and debris was ready for loading into the wheelbarrow. A good couple of hours of this went on, we did have a couple of tea breaks though as it is very hard work! We didn't quite get the whole lot cleared, however we were both really pleased with the progress and I am so relieved to finally be getting this eyesore bothersome bit of the plot tackled. I want to get it sorted as soon as possible so that I can compost and manure it before the growing season gets properly under-way.
It does all look a bit grim! I have been trying to find a before photo without success.
This has made me realise how carefully I have avoided photographing the front of the plot. |
The shed looking as good as before following a little paint touch up this weekend, I even cleaned the window and now I am thinking how cute it would look with little curtains - I am sure I have some fabric that I could use!
I am still debating on whether to take on another small plot - I do think I am going to rapidly run out of space for all the things I want to grow. Another plan and probably the more reasonable one is to extend my plot backwards. There are no plots behind me and unlikely to be - it is very tempting to go in this direction, and I think with a bit of moving around I could get in another 1 reasonable size bed or possibly a couple of smaller ones and have a good size plot. Brambles are growing here though - more roots to be dug out YUK! I'm going to have a think about this and hopefully if the weather is good this weekend Mr Milly will be able to get to the plot and between us we can make a decision on what we are going to do.
Today I have acquired a table - Mr Milly is pleased as I was after him building me a potting bench, the table will do the job nicely and of course somewhere for the camping stove and a cup of tea. My Boy collected the table for me today and took this picture for me too - his photography skills leave a little to be desired!
A lovely Freecycle freebie for me and with a coat of paint I am sure it will look as good as new. There is a brilliant choice of colours on the market, I think I have narrowed it down to 2 - guess which is my favourite?????
That's My Milly's job for the weekend - rub down and paint the table, a lot easier than building one from scratch and how brilliant is Freecycle!
I have had a few lovely comments recently, Blogger is frustration though as I will have comments left by Anonymous - I would really love to know who you are, please please leave your name if leaving me a comment!!
Some comments for your comments!:
Nearly There Claire - Thank you for all of your comments, it is good to hear from a kindred spirit and your blog is great, I'm looking forward to watching your allotment progress! The flagstones for the shed were laid directly on the soil, we did our best to level it all out and just plonked them on! The shed is still standing with no wobbling so all is good! The foot did heal OK! And the cider Boat is fab - although I am always the oldest to visit I still love it!!
Anonymous - from this post
Re-use and Re-cycle. I am glad you have enjoyed reading my Blog witterings and hope you continue to do so! The chickens are all doing great at the moment with feathers reappearing after the recent moult. Egg production is definately down though and during the very cold spell we had recently, no eggs at all. I think with the dark short days the poor chicks are confused and can often be found in bed at 3.30 in the afternoon - This really affects egg production!
Colin - How lovely to hear from you and thank you for your comment - I definately WON'T let them beat me!
Anonymous - from this post
How annoying. Your comment did make me laugh! A finally touch up with paint this week and the shed is now looking as good as new!