Patchwork is something I have never really tried - I think I might have dabbled in the past but I don't think I had the patience for it.
My patience has improved a little (I'm not sure Mr Milly would agree though!), I have had a go at paper piecing. The result a lovely vintage looking project bag for me. This has taken ages to complete, in fact I think I started just after Christmas. The bag is made up of 60 hexagons, each one is cut around its own paper template and then tacked to the paper to hold its shape, the hexagons are then hand stitched and once all are in place the whole thing is ironed and then the papers unpicked and removed. It was quite fascinating putting it together and I have enjoyed sitting with the work on my lap doing some hand sewing. The bag has been lined in a matching fabric and now I have a lovely big useable bag to keep my current project (or 2 or 3!) in.
My New project Bag |
60 Hexagons later and matching lining |
Paper template - one for each Hexagon |
Fabric and Paper tacked together |
The 3 steps for a single hexagon |
So moving on from the paper piecing I've had a go at Cathedral windows. This also is hand stitched and will become a cushion cover. This first attempt is going to be a gift - It is a work in progress at the moment and I have learnt a lot from this. The backing is 100% cotton fabric which is folded and ironed a couple of times before the inserts are folded and hand sewn in place. This fabric is thick and my goodness it has really hurt my poor little chubbie fingers! Plasters to the ready yet again and I have now had to buy a thimble too! When I do another one of these and I expect there will be a few more, I will be more careful which fabric I choose to try and save my fingers!
A couple of pics of the work in progress.
First lot of windows sewn in, one pinned and still to be sewn |
The final windows in positioned and ready for attaching. |
Mr Milly is thinking this will make a great quilt, I am thinking this would take years to complete and would probably cost more in plasters than fabric
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